Where are you located?
195 Route 6A, Orleans. Donation drop offs are permitted only on Tuesday from 9 to 11 and Wednesdays from 2 to 4, or by appointment.
Where do you get your donations from?
We accept donations of new and nearly new items from the local Cape Cod community.
We also have an Amazon wish list! Anyone in the country can donate items and those are delivered directly to us.
Many friends and family who live out of town want to help, and this is an easy way for them to support the Foster Closet.
How do I let you know what I need?
You can contact us:
- Through the Facebook page by sending a message
- Call 508-514-7125
- Send an email to sharon@capecodfostercloset.org
We will set up an appointment for you to come to the Foster Closet in Orleans to choose the items you need. If you prefer, we can gather the requested items and arrange to get them to you.
Do you have a support group I could join?
Visit our Facebook page, then click on the “Groups” tab. That will take you to our private Facebook group for foster, pre-adoptive and kinship families.

You’ll see our private group listed; click on “Join group.”

You will be asked to answer three questions to verify that you are a foster parent. Our hope is that this group will become a place that foster parents can get to know and support each other.
We also have plans for much more support for families in the future. We are focusing right now on the Foster Closet, but rest assured that we have many more exciting ideas in store for you!
I’d love to find other foster parents to talk to – how can I do this?
Join our Facebook group (see above) or you can also contact me to let me know where you are located and I will introduce you to other families. We hope to host events for foster families starting this summer, once COVID restrictions open up more.
If one of my foster children leaves, can they take the clothes and items with them or do you want the items back?
Yes! We definitely want the children to take all of the items with them if they are re-unifying or moving to another foster family. The first time a foster child receives items from the Closet, he or she will receive a duffel bag or backpack that will be theirs to follow them wherever they go.
Can I re-donate items once my child grows out of a size?
We would love that! As long as the items are still in great condition with no stains or tears, we will take them back as donations and provide you with new items.
What types of items are available?
We accept clothing for ages preemie through 18. If you have a teen who is wearing junior sizes, let us know and we can put you in touch with another organization who serves more of the teen population.
We also accept donations of anything that you might need to raise a child, including infant swings, vibrating seats, pack-n-plays, bathtubs, high chairs, toys, books, bottles, pacifiers and sippy cups (new), blankets and quilts for all ages. If there is something you need that is not mentioned, please contact us. If we don’t have it, we will try to obtain it. We will do our best to to fulfill all requests.
Do you have furniture like cribs or toddler beds? How about car seats?
Yes, we do! Contact us to let us know what you need.
Are the car seats used?
We do accept used car seats as long as they have not expired. The person donating will be asked to complete a form attesting that the car seat has never been in an accident and does not have any cracks or frayed straps.
Do you deliver?
At this point we do not, although we hope very soon to have some volunteers who will be able to provide this service. Please call if you need delivery and we will try to work something out.
A new placement just arrived and it’s after 5:00 and they don’t have any clothes. Do you have an emergency phone number I can call?
Yes, call 508-514-7125 and we will find a way to get you the items you need.
Do you have formula to get me through until I can get an appointment with WIC?
We do have some formula in stock. Please call and let me know what you need.
My neighbors have custody of their grandchildren but they don’t have a social worker. Can they request items from the Foster Closet?
Yes! We know that there are many families in this situation and we want to help. Ask them to contact us via phone or email so that we can discuss their needs.”
Are you affiliated with any agencies, organizations or churches?
While we are not a religious organization, we are proud to partner with faith organizations across the Cape and Islands to increase our reach to the families who need our support.
We support families who are affiliated with foster care agencies on the Cape and Islands, including DCF, Hopewell, Mentor and JRI. Our nonprofit – Nurturing Foster Families, Inc.- is registered in the state of Massachusetts as a 501(c)(3) organization.
Can my friends or family donate to you?
Yes! We accept donations of new or nearly new items that can be dropped off at the Closet on Tuesdays from 9 to 11 and Wednesdays from 2 to 4.
An easy way to help is to order from our Amazon wish list.
The Amazon page has specific items that can be ordered and they will be delivered directly to our address.
How often can I request items?
We recommend twice a year, but we also realize that young children grow quickly and may need items more often. Please contact us if you require items more often.
Do you offer other types of support to foster parents?
We are planning to offer support services such as mentoring for foster parents, a buddy program for kids in your home, events for families on a regular basis, and a list of resources and events happening around the Cape for families. If there is something specific that would be helpful to you, please reach out to us.
Our foster child is almost 18 and will be leaving soon. Can you help him as he gets set up to live on his own?
We are happy to help at this important time by providing necessary items as well as emotional support. Contact us by phone or email so that we can determine exactly what is needed.
What are some other resources for caregiver families on Cape Cod and the Islands?
Please see our page dedicated to Resources for Foster Parents