Who We Are and What We Do
Cape Cod Foster Closet is a program of Nurturing Foster Families, Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) organization, supporting foster and relative caregiver families by providing material goods for children in care.
The Cape Cod Foster Closet assists foster, pre-adoptive, and kinship families by providing necessary items such as clothing, shoes, toys, books, baby equipment (including formula and car seats) and furniture for all ages.
All items are donated by our generous community and are provided free of charge to families who care for other people’s children on Cape Cod and the Islands. We work with the local DCF office as well as private agencies, all of which serve foster, pre-adoptive and relative caregiver families. We also support families who have guardianship or custody of children but are not involved with an agency.
Our goal is to help fulfill the physical and emotional needs of foster families.
Where We Are Located
We are located at 195 Route 6A, Orleans. We are open Tuesdays from 9-11 a.m., Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m., the first Saturday of each month from 10 to noon, or by appointment. Follow this link to a map of our location.
Foster Children: Physical Needs
Children frequently enter the foster care system with no belongings, or with a trash bag containing just a few clothing items. Babies often arrive with no diapers, bottles, or formula.
This presents a challenge for foster parents who need to provide necessary clothing and items, often on very short notice. Few families have the room to store these items for the wide range of ages of potential foster placements.
Along with these needed items, Cape Cod Foster Closet provides a new duffel bag or backpack for each child so that they never have to carry their belongings in a trash bag again.
Foster Children: Emotional Needs
Children are understandably upset at the huge change in their lives when they enter the foster care system through no fault of their own. The first few weeks of a new placement can be stressful as everyone tries to learn and adjust to new schedules and personalities.
The Cape Cod Foster Closet can ease this difficult time.
Ongoing resources are provided including support groups, mentoring, education, child care assistance and information about local activities for children and families.
About Us
Cape Cod Foster Closet was started by Andy and Sharon Palmer in February 2021. As licensed foster parents, they are acutely aware of the time, energy and expense involved in serving as a foster family. They recognize that many people decide to become foster parents as an act of faith.
It is a special calling to provide a safe, healthy and loving environment for children who need stability and acceptance while their family situations are being sorted out.
Although not everyone can be a foster parent, each of us can support a foster family in our own unique way.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support foster and caregiver families by providing clothing, basic necessities, helping hands and emotional support.
Our Vision
We envision a vibrant community of compassionate, like-minded individuals who desire to encourage, serve and nurture foster and caregiver families.
Our Newsletter
Please sign up for our quarterly newsletter to stay informed about what we’re doing, current needs, upcoming activities and more…
Our Goals
- Serve as an immediate resource for new placements who may be in need of appropriate clothing or other necessities such as diapers, formula, baby gear, etc.
- Provide ongoing resources including clothing and basic items, support groups, mentoring, education, childcare assistance and information about local activities for children and families.
- Encourage prospective foster parents to get licensed by providing information and individualized support.
How Cape Cod Foster Parents Can Get Help
Foster/caregiver parents can call Sharon at 508-514-7125 to request specific items or arrange an appointment to come and shop. We typically can provide the requested items within 24 hours.
Each child receiving items for the first time will also receive a duffel bag or backpack to transport items.

How You Can Help – Ways to Donate
We have lots of donation ideas for you, listed on our Donations page.
Monetary donations are accepted. Funds will be used to continue supporting foster families on the Cape and Islands. Follow this link to the Donate Now page.
Local businesses can:
- Offer discounts or services to foster families
- Provide monetary or in-kind donations
- Host an event